Human Centered Design, Participatory, Community, Public Sector and the rest…

Towards the end of the Contemporary Practice module I discovered a few new avenues amongst graphic design or that could fit into graphic design that I found interesting and although I looked into them, this was very briefly throughout some weekly tasks. This page is just looking into these aspects in a little bit more…

Week Twelve: Reflection

I feel like my idea this week had so much more potential that could have been played around with. A combination of the usual time constraints and then sickness didn’t help the situation and it felt like a rush to get a back up idea that I was happy with, which I wasn’t really. In…

Week Twelve: What If?

Print is dead. An argument that is ongoing within the creative industries and has been for many years. Personally, I believe it isn’t dead and is very much alive, there’s something appealing about printed outcomes, it can add character and meaning to a piece of design work in many ways. We have become bound to…

Week Twelve: New Steps

CASE STUDIES:The idea of the future is always interesting, purely because there are no limitations of what could happen, well through imagination there isn’t anyway. When regarding ‘what are the potential future definitions of design practice?’, many of the case studies had similar answers of what would seem, the most logical and common responses. Simon…

Week Eleven: Reflection

My brain hurts. The beginning of this week I found very difficult, no actually most of it. I read, watched and learnt about semiotics, but it just wouldn’t click and I had to refer back to my initial research as reminder points a lot. I think it was more the fact of how technically everything…

Week Eleven: Always Awkward?

After initially aiming to go with a news story, confusing myself silly, then having a nap to let my brain rest, I woke up with the thought of how subtle the branding response for Femme that Pearl Fisher did for women’s hygiene products in China – this was still in my mind from my research…

Week Eleven: Semiotics

Semiotics – the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.Symbolism – the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. URM WHAT?In simple terms, symbols and signs are another form of language and words. Language makes us mentally represent objects, and automatically we expect language to be written, but this isn’t the…

Week Ten: Reflection

This week I feel like I’ve rediscovered a love for typography, the obsession of critiquing every bit of type I come across has started again. But I feel like I have a long way to go, typography is one of those topics I love learning about and admiring, but it isn’t one of my strongest…

Week Ten: The Phoenix and The Turtle

For this week’s WSC, I didn’t really know where to start. I hadn’t looked at poetry since my GCSEs, so I decided to start with the most renowned National English poets and go from there. Initially I briefly broke down three options: 1. William Blake – The sick rose2. William Wordsworth – I wondered as…

Week Ten: Typography

Typography is two-dimensional architecture, based on experience and imagination, and guided by rules and readability. Hermann Zapf I feel frustrated this week considering the vast range of topics that can be looked at in detail regarding typography such as the terminology, the anatomy, the history and so on, and the lack of time to be…